Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Retirement - begins here

Today, I announced my retirement from work life. I have been working for the last 34 years. I am currently 55. It was not easy announcing my retirement. I am with mixed emotions.

I see life in 3 phases:
- Phase 1: Preparing for Work
- Phase 2: Work, Work, Work
- Phase 3: Golden Age - Retirement

Going from Phase 1 to 2 was expected. After school, you are supposed to just look for a job or create your own company. Then you work hard to earn enough money for all the materials goods - cars, cards, condo, clubs, spouse and children. Work becomes a habit and many think work is the only end of life.

Is it? I don't think so. From Phase 2, we need to move on to Phase 3. We don't want to work till we drop dead in the office. That's not the purpose. What then is the purpose of Phase 2? We work in order to enjoy the golden age of retirement. Somewhere along the way, we forget about this mission. Get to Phase 3. What age? Can we afford it? What would we do upon retirement?

Questions, Questions, Questions. We asked the same questions when we move to Phase 2. So, how do we handle Phase 3?



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