Saturday, July 11, 2009

Humor at Retirement

Humor should be in all phases of our lives. Humor breaks the monotony and pain of life. It adds flavors to our adventures, spice up our lives and also provides an emotional balance between what's real and what's important. Humor was created to help us grow, sees things from another 'funny' side of any event/incident/experience.

We must not take ourselves seriously. Events and incidents happen. How we interpreted these situations depends on our own perception and paradigm. If we take it as an attack on ourselves, we will be defensive and stressed. Now, if we can perceived the situation from a humorous stand point, we will force ourselves OUT of the situation and therefore de-personalize us from the situation. Then, we will be able first, laugh at ourselves and then, we will be able to 'solve' the situation with lesser tension and stress.

Laughing at an event is good. Laughing at ourselves takes a special breed of characters. It shows we have grown - grown beyond ourselves. Therefore, we don't take ourselves seriously. What that translates is we have grown to be comfortable and confident about our OWN self. How many people can do that. Look around you and answer these 2 questions:

- who has humor? Is the humor about events, or (at the expense of) other people?
- who can laugh at themselves? This shows our maturity, comfort and confidence in ourselves.

Retirement is not just being finished with the commercial life. It is about discovering yourself beyond the outer appearance that other people see in you. Retirement provides an opportunity of discovery - a self discovery of the 'rest of yourself' and then to improve who we really are.

Have humor...laugh at yourself...

Here's a URL where some quotations may be helpful to discover ourselves..Enjoy!

Quotations on Retirement


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