Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"Learn to dance in the rain" at Retirement

In life, many times we lament at what we don't have rather than cherish or be grateful with what we do have. We complained about the pains, our financial predicament, our disabilities, etc.
There is a real life story about Patrick Henry Hughes. He was born with no eyes and restricted mobility. Yet, from a tender age of one, he never give up. He learned to play the piano when he was barely one. He moved around in a wheelchair. He made it to the 214 member marching band with his father. As a junior at the University of Louisville, he made nearly all As except for 3 Bs. When asked about this disabilities, he brushed them away. "What disabilities?" he said.
Listen to his life story. Life is not about playing with a full suite of cards. It is about playing with the cards you already have. We then "learn to dance in the rain".

At retirement, we will be challenged at times. We may feel pain in our joints or limbs. We may not have sufficient funds. We may lose a loved one or a close friend. We may find we don't learn as fast as we used to be. We may be 'clumsy' as we age.
However, when I listen to the Patrick Henry Hughes' story and his awesome attitude towards life, I am encouraged by his strength and his gratitude. I can learn from him. We can all learn from him to appreciate and be grateful what we already have.
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